Procurement abril 1, 2022 Category Management for Procurement Category Management is a strategy that seeks to divide items for their types before negoatiating… Carol Gameleira Love1
PricingProcurement fevereiro 18, 2022 Pricing a Commodity: Challenges and Methods Pricing commodity is not something simple. There are a lot of factors involved, such as… Carol Gameleira Love1
Pricing novembro 18, 2021 How Psychological Pricing can increase sales? Psychological pricing is a strategy that considers the emotional effects prices have on customers. Carol Gameleira Love0
Pricing setembro 10, 2021 How a pricing strategy increases profitability? Pricing is a technique that seeks to establish the optimal price for a product. Is… Carol Gameleira Love0
Pricing setembro 10, 2021 What is pricing elasticity? Elasticity is a measure to determine how much the percentage change in one variable affects… Carol Gameleira Love0
Pricing setembro 10, 2021 Why CRP and EVC are important concepts for pricing? A basic need for companies is to price their products and to do this it… Carol Gameleira Love1
Pricing setembro 10, 2021 Why sensitivity is important for a pricing strategy? When creating a price strategy for a product is important to consider the costumer sensibility.… Carol Gameleira Love0