Supply Chain fevereiro 2, 2022 What is Supply Chain? Supply Chain is basically the network of buyers and suppliers that maintain a market for… Carol Gameleira 0 Love1
Inventory Management janeiro 28, 2022 Min/Max Inventory Method: Advantages and disadvantages The Min/Max methodology of Inventory Management is one of the first ones. But does it… Carol Gameleira Love1
Inventory Management janeiro 27, 2022 ABC Analysis: Inventory Management and Control The ABC Analysis is a methodology of inventory management that focus on critical items. Do… Carol Gameleira Love1
Business janeiro 26, 2022 Cost Avoidance and Cost Saving: What’s the difference? Cost avoidance and costs saving are two ways to maximize profitability in a company. But… Carol Gameleira Love1
Procurement janeiro 21, 2022 Saving in Procurement: how it increases profitability? Saving in procurement is a great practice to reduce costs and increase profitability of your… Carol Gameleira Love1
Procurement janeiro 20, 2022 Purchase Order Lead Time: what it is and how to calculate Purchase Order Lead Time is the time it takes for companies to receive items ordered.… Carol Gameleira Love1
Procurement janeiro 19, 2022 Sourcing and Procurement: What’s the difference? Sourcing and Procurement are part of the same process, but they are not the same… Carol Gameleira Love1
Procurement janeiro 14, 2022 E-procurement: how does it work? What are the advantages? E-procurement is the process where companies use a online environment to establish relations with suppliers.… Carol Gameleira Love0
Inventory Management janeiro 13, 2022 Inventory Turnover: What it is and how to calculate Inventory Turnover is a important strategy to check company's performance of stock. Learn with Supply… Carol Gameleira Love0
Inventory Management janeiro 12, 2022 Just in Time – How does it help your operations? Just in time is a management strategy for inventory that focus on ordering only what… Carol Gameleira Love0